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Building Connections, Charting Directions: The 2019 Alumni Homecoming

Posted on: Nov 2, 2019

The main event was a presentation of the Awards where 5 Outstanding Alumni were recognized in their various fields. The impressive list of awardee accomplishments leaves one in awe of the education and experience that the UPDIEOR offers that prepares them to achieve. Various awardees who were present that night and were acknowledged by Award presenter Bing del Rosario reinforced the feeling that UP IEs are certainly major contributors to industry, business and the academe not only in the Philippines, but also globally.

As the Department struggles with less funds as a result of the newly-implemented no-tuition policy, Department Chair Eric Llaguno described a program to help raise funds for IE Department expenses and infrastructure. The Achievers Program was also highlighted, and many pledges were made to continue to support the Achievers scholarship. 

In support of fund raising efforts, T-shirts were sold onsite and a watch auction was held by Mikal Rallonza. Both were successful in coming up with the needed cash for the Association. The state of the UPIEAA was delivered by President Ricky Pena.

 In essence, one concludes that everything in the association is being run the IE-way!!!

Pictures of the Homecoming can be found here:

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University of the Philippines
Industrial Engineering Alumni Association, Inc.

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IE/OR Department, 4th Floor,
College of Engineering
UP, Diliman, Quezon City