Elizabeth Yap
For more than 30 years, Bienadel Elizabeth E. Yap has been professionally engaged in infrastructure project monitoring, process improvement, systems development and information technology management. Prior to her promotion to Assistant Secretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways, she was Director of the Information Management Service as well as Component Manager of the Institutional Capacity Development Component of foreign assisted (World Bank, ADB and JICA) projects.
From 1997 to 2007, she served as the Deputy Project Director of the Road Information and Management Support System (RIMSS), a World Bank assisted institutional development project to improve the quality and delivery of DPWH services through enhanced procedures and technology. Applying the principles of Business Process Reengineering in improving the Department’s business processes, the RIMSS Project received the 2009 Philippine Government ICT Award for the Business Process Category from the Commission on ICT, CIO Forum, and CIO Forum Foundation.
Recently, she led the DPWH Overall Quality Management System (QMS) Core Team in crafting the DPWH QMS Manual that eventually led to the DPWH ISO 9001:2008 Certification of 43 DPWH processes on April 14, 2015.
Bess was the recipient of the 2011 University of the Philippines Alumni Engineers Achievement Award for Government Service.
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